Local Government/Services
Lake Forest Estates is locate in Jefferson County, WV. It is within the Harper's Ferry zip code: 25425. 911 service is active for emergencies in this area.
If you would like an office added or the information is incorrect, please let us know at lfehoa@gmail.com.
Jefferson County Government Website: http://www.jeffersoncountywv.org/county-government/departments/
Animal Control/Shelters
Jefferson County Animal Control 304-728-3289
Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County 304-725-0589
Briggs Animal Adoption Center 304-724-6558
Jefferson County 304-728-3224
County Clerk
Jefferson County 304-728-3215
Blue Ridge Mountain Volunteer Fire Company #5 304-728-8006 (Note: This link is to their unofficial website on Facebook. They do not seem to have a regular website/URL).
WV Fire Marshal’s Office 304-558-2191 ext.: 53214
Health Department
Jefferson County 304-728-8416 After Hours: 304-725-5075
WV Bureau of Public Health 304-725-9453
Law Enforcement
Sheriff's Office 304-728-3205
Charles Town Police 304-725-8944 304-725-2714
Harpers Ferry Police 304-535-2206
Ranson Police 304-725-2411
Shepherdstown Police 304-876-6036
Personal/Property Taxes
Jefferson County Sheriff's Tax Office 307-728-3220
WV Highways - District 5 Office 304-725-5821
Solid Waste (Trash) Authority
Jefferson County 304-728-0430 (Note: The link is to the JCWA Board site. The link to the transfer station for info on operating hours and charges are not working as of 14 Aug 2020)
Law Enforcement
Sheriff's Office
Charles Town Police
Ranson Police
Harper's Ferry Police
Shepherdstown Police
Law Enforcement
WV Fire Marshall's Office
Law Enforcement
Animal Control
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement